• Straight Stairlift

  • A Complete Mobility Solution by Independent Living

They take you up and down the stairs effortlessly and are the key to independence for anyone with mobility issues!

Those of us who have struggled with mobility issues are acutely aware of how much stairs can restrict your freedom of movement. But there are options available that can keep you or a loved one mobile and independent in your home. You can return to the areas of your home you've been missing with the aid of a straight chair lift. You won't believe how much your house will feel more like home once you can move around safely and on your own.

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What is a Straight Stairlift?

A straight stairlift is made to go up a straight flight of stairs. While their seats have a variety of customizable features and
options, new or reconditioned straight stairlift rails are cut to match the length of the staircase.


Why Should I Get
A Straight Stairlift?

The most popular straight stair lifts are available to fit a variety of staircase designs, including straight stairs as well as those with curves and landings. The advantages of stairlift installation are as follows: The benefits of installing a stairlift include:

  • Enhances accessibility indoors and out: Straight and curved stairlifts are available, and both indoor and outdoor installation is possible. Users only need to click a button to move from floor to floor. With a stairlift, they have easy access to every area of their house.
  • Avoids accidents: For the elderly and anyone with mobility issues, stairs can be difficult. However, they can go from one level to another safely and comfortably with a stairlift. The risk of trips and falls on stairs is decreased by installing a stairlift.
  • Independence and assurance: Seniors and those with mobility issues will feel more secure using a stair lift. With this installed, they can move around their house without having to depend on another person.
  • Easily installed: One might believe that installing a stairlift requires extensive home modifications, creates a mess from construction activities, damages the staircase's structural integrity, and so forth. The stairlift and treads can actually be installed with just a few holes being drilled.
new stair lift

You can easily ascend and descend stairs with the aid of a straight lift chair, improving accessibility in your home and regaining your independence. The straight stairlift models from Independent Living Solution are best of all built to last decades so you can keep living in the house you love. You're investing in your future and choosing to live in your own home for an extended time by purchasing a stairlift for your straight staircase. Additionally, you're providing comfort for your loved ones. the comfort that comes from knowing that you are secure at home.

How Much Does a Straight Stairlift Cost?

The cost of a straight stairlift typically varies between $2,700 and $8,000 (new or used). The length of the staircase, the model you choose, and any extras like a folding rail or power swivel seat will all affect the final cost that you pay. Numerous clients opt for options in the $3,500–4,500 price range or use our rental and reconditioned straight stairlift options, which provide savings and increased flexibility for both short- and long-term use. We provide straight stairlift prices and consultation so you can determine which option is best for you.


Factors To Consider When Choosing a Straight Stair Lift

If a member of the family or a patient has trouble using stairs, a stair lift is a practical and affordable solution to take into account. Seniors may find it challenging to climb and descend stairs, and one incorrect step may result in serious injury. Here are some factors to think about when buying a straight custom stair lift for sale:

handicap chair lift for stairs

Benefits Of Installing
A Straight Stair Lift In Your Home

The main benefit of installing a stairlift in your home if you're an elderly person who can no longer use the stairs is that it will allow you to continue living there long after your ability to climb and descend stairs has been lost. A stair lift serves as an accident-avoidance tool. It is clear from the statistics that accidents involving falls, particularly those involving stairs, are the leading cause of injury among seniors. The risk of serious injury that could land an elderly person in the hospital or worse is eliminated by stairlifts


Straight Stairlift Safety Features:
Being safe has never been so easy.

Straight Indoor Stair Lifts are extremely safe when installed correctly by a seasoned provider and used properly.
High-quality manufacturers take great care to ensure that their stair lifts adhere to strict safety regulations.
Top-notch safety features on each of our straight stairlifts for sale include:

  • Seat Belt
    Seat Belt
  • Power footrest
    Power footrest
  • Power Seat Swivel
    Power Seat Swivel
  • Easy-to-use control panel
    Easy-to-use control panel

While these design features help to ensure the safety of using a stairlift, it's crucial to have the staircase and the user's mobility needs
be evaluated by a reputable accessibility consultation, like us, to ensure that it will be the safest option for them.

How To Install A Straight
Stair Lift In Your Home

Although a stair lift appears straightforward, you shouldn't install it yourself because it is a safety device. Straight stair lifts are not sold without installation by reputable retailers like Independent Living Solutions. You are moving over stairs, so any installation errors could seriously hurt you.

chair lifts for staircases

Maintaining your straight stair lift will ensure optimal performance.

Maintaining the cleanliness of your straight staircase stairlift is essential for ensuring its longevity and proper operation. It's good to know that maintaining your stairlift is a fairly easy process. Here are some cleaning suggestions for your stairlift:

  • Maintain the track's cleanliness by regularly checking for debris on the stairlift track. Operations could be hampered by track obstructions. Checking the track daily is a good idea, especially if you have children or pets in the house.
  • Regularly clean the track: Once you notice that the track is clear, you should start cleaning it. Fortunately, the procedure is easy. Clean the track with a duster or a damp cloth. Use dry cloth only. At the same time, clean the rest of the seat and other areas. Weekly maintenance of this is advised.
  • Vacuum the area around the lift: Routinely vacuum the stairwell, rails, and space behind the stairlift. By doing this, dust accumulation on mechanical parts will be prevented. It is even more crucial if you have pets. To prevent pet hair from getting into the stairlift, vacuum once a week.
  • Other maintenance tips include:

  • Stair lifts that utilize a rack and pinion drive system should ensure the track is well lubricated to maintain smooth operation of your stair lift. If there are no pets in the house the track should be cleaned and re-lubricated annually. If there are pets in the house, this interval should be cut in half for every pet.
  • Friction drive technology stair lifts have become the post popular choice when purchasing a stair lift. Instead of a rack and pinion drive system which can require frequent cleaning and re-lubricating, there is now the option of friction drive technology which eliminates this cumbersome maintenance issue.
  • Even if it's not necessary, use it: Run your stairlift up and down the stairs a few times a week, even if it is not currently in use, to keep the batteries in good working order.
  • Get an annual inspection: Have a reliable expert check out your stairlift each year. Everything will be checked to make sure it's in working order. If the stairlift is used frequently or has been in use for a while, this becomes even more crucial. Anytime you think there might be a problem with how it operates, get in touch with an expert to have a look.

Depending on the model of your straight stair lift for sale, different maintenance plans and suggestions might be made. For the price and maintenance schedule for your straight stairlift, get in touch with Independent Living.

Frequently Asked Questions

The following features make their straight stair lifts a must-buy and great value for money:

  1. Integrates seamlessly into any stairway as long as the walls are straight.
  2. Professional installation that takes typically 2-3 hours to complete.
  3. The unmatched system provides a comfortable ride from beginning to end.
  4. Require neither structural nor home-renovation changes.
  5. Rail with a hinged design to lessen potential trip hazards.
  6. Space-saving, compact design for other family members.
  7. When not in use, their hinge rail folds, which saves space.
  8. Height-adjustable seats guarantee a perfect fit for every user.

We are aware of the difficulties moving up and down stairs can present for the elderly and people with mobility issues. To meet your unique needs, our straight stairlifts are available in the following designs:

  1. Manual folding hinge
  2. Power folding hinge
  3. Power seat swivel
  4. Power footrest

We are all aware that power failures can be bothersome because they can cause delays while waiting for the power to be restored. Irrespective of if it's a straight or curved stair lift, that is not the case with yours. Your stairlift will continue to operate because it is battery-powered in the event of a power outage caused by a summer thunderstorm, wind, or any other weather element.

Independent Living Solutions offers stair lifts from a variety of top manufactures. In addition to the superior engineering and design they also offer the best warranties in the industry.

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