A reduced range of motion is one of our main problems as we age. It’s also tricky for those who have a disability that limits mobility. Even in places familiar to us, like our homes, disabilities might alter how we function in day-to-day life.

When new infirmities affect our life, the home can quickly become a problematic place full of obstacles. It may be difficult to adjust when objects like stairs, bathrooms, and doorknobs suddenly become a liability.

Fortunately, there are several ways to maintain normalcy in your home life. Modernizing your home can promote security, comfort, and independent living.

Here are four ways to make a house handicap accessible for you or your loved ones:

Install Stair Lifts

Consider installing a stair lift if you or a loved one find climbing stairs challenging. Stair lifts come in many designs and can be used as a portable stair climber or installed permanently as a home improvement.

Multi-level homes, even those with front yard stairs, can become accessible homes for people with restricted mobility thanks to stair lifts. Installing them lets you level out your house and make an area safe and easy to access. Independent Living’s used curved stairlifts are the perfect addition to a winding flight of stairs.

Fix Ramps

For people using walkers, wheelchairs, power chairs, and other mobility aids, even the slightest elevation is hard to conquer. To ease pressure on their limbs, a simple ramp to convey them safely on small elevations is an excellent alternative.

There are many different ramp designs available to suit any requirements. For example, foldable ramps are simple to store, portable ramps allow you to quickly turn any step into a wheelchair-accessible entryway while on the go, and threshold ramps instantly make an entryway accessible.

Add an Elevator

For larger spaces and faster access to floors, elevators can be an excellent choice for people with limited mobility. They can be secure, trustworthy, and look classy too. Either add them during construction or incorporate them into current structures.

Even though you might believe that installing an elevator is prohibitively expensive, adding an elevator increases the value of your house—often significantly more than the installation cost. What’s more, your investment will open access to your house to everyone.

Retrofit Bathroom with Handicap Friendly Features

The bathroom can be complex for many people. For people prone to falls, bath areas and countertops are not forgiving surfaces. The slippery tiles can be dangerous when wet and soapy.

The tub can be challenging because it has a problematic physical barrier to access due to its tall sides. Fortunately, step-in tubs remove that obstruction, enabling people to enter the tub directly without straddling the side. Consider adding a slip-resistant surface to the inside of your tub and making it easier to enter.

The alternatives for making your home handicap accessible for people with impairments can seem overwhelming. But, with Independent Living, our experts are always available to advise you on the best home accessibility options for you and your loved ones. We are committed to assisting you in identifying the best solutions for your requirements. For those on a tight budget, we even have high-quality used products, like curved stairlifts, available at an affordable price.

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