How Wheelchair Ramps Make Life Easier for People with Limited Mobility

For a person with restricted mobility, each day is a new challenge. Among the most common difficulties are elevated entrances that wheelchair users typically find hard to access. Thankfully, there are wheelchair ramps available for them to use and navigate elevated surfaces with ease. People with a low budget can look for used aluminum handicap ramps for sale and move around without overburdening themselves.

Safe access to vehicles

Wheelchair users don’t enjoy getting in and out of their cars. While they are somehow used to moving in their chair all day long, they suffer every time they want to travel to a new place in their vehicle. Ramps can make it easier for them to visit places they wish to be at without raising concern over their safety.

Wheelchair ramps are designed to support people with a disability with a safe means of access to any elevated surface beyond their reach. While some vans may incorporate built-in lifting mechanisms, it is considerably expensive to install and maintain such a system. And why suffer that burden if a ramp can do the job more efficiently and conveniently?

Steps and gaps, no more obstacles

The same nearby grocery store with two steps or a gap at its entrance won’t give you a headache anymore. With a ramp, gaps and stairs are no longer obstacles. They make accessing elevated surfaces a cakewalk, are easy to carry while traveling, and can be used almost everywhere.

Sense of independence

We, as humans, love our ability to be independent. And if, because of an accident or other reasons, this ability is taken away from a person, they may feel vulnerable all the time. It won’t make a positive impact on their mental outlook and will also negatively impact their physical fitness. That’s why it is crucial to look for solutions that promote independence.

Wheelchair ramps are a worthy addition. A person with limited mobility will feel better instantly if they know there’s something they can use and help themselves every time they want to visit a place with no permanent ramp.

They don’t break the bank, either…

If you think buying a ramp is going to steal your peace of mind by putting an unbearable financial burden on you, you may be mistaken. While quality ramps are expensive, you always have the option to search for used aluminum handicap ramps for sale online, order a ramp, and get it delivered to your doorstep.

Bottom line

With technological advancements, things are getting better to make things easier and more convenient for wheelchair users, but they may feel stuck at times. Wheelchair ramps can help them access elevated entrances and gaps without a hassle. The only way to ensure a stress-free experience is to reach out to a reliable supplier for a quality ramp.

Independent Living Solutions, Inc. provides best-in-class aluminum wheelchair ramps for sale for wheelchair and mobility scooter users to help them safely move in and around their homes, no matter what lies in their way.

If interested in buying one, call us now at (303) 463-8200!

Things You Must Know About Vertical Platform Lifts

Stair lifts are a great mechanical device to install in your house to help people with mobility issues move up and down the stairs. However, for many homes, these devices are not the ideal option. For some homes, vertical platform lifts (VPL) are a more essential addition. Also known as wheelchair lifts, vertical platform lifts are perfect for providing easy access to all levels of homes or businesses for those who use power chairs, wheelchairs, or mobility scooters. Raised decks, stairs leading to a porch, or other similar setups make it difficult for disabled people to access spaces. In this blog, we will tell you about different types of vertical platform lifts and why you should consider installing one in your house. Let’s get started.

Types of VPLs

Unenclosed VPLs – These are some of the most commonly used lifts. You will easily find them online.

Hoistway or Enclosed – These types of lifts are generally used in commercial areas. These are a lot like unenclosed VPLs but the chief difference is, they are positioned in a polycarbonate enclosure or a wood framed hoistway constructed by a contractor. If you want the setup to look amazing, a polycarbonate enclosure is very desirable.

Portable VPLs – You can get a moveable platform as well. Platforms are moveable because the enclosed, portable VPL is mounted on a bigger base that contains 4 adjustable rollers.

Reasons To Invest In VPL

No Noise – Although there are many VPLs in the market, we will advise you to go for top-quality ones from reputable brands. Why? Top VPLs do not make virtually no noise. You’ll be able to go from one level to another quietly.

Affordable – Some homeowners assume that VPLs are an expensive mechanical device. This is not true at all if you buy them from top websites. There are some great websites such as Independent Living Solutions Inc that offer amazing VPLs at great prices.

Totally Safe To Use – You do not need to worry about injuring yourself while using these lifts. VPLs are full of safety features such as safety under pan, battery backup, emergency lowering device, and much more.

If interested, you can contact Independent Living Solutions Inc for buying good-quality vertical platform lifts. We offer both new and used vertical platform lifts for sale. If interested, give us a call at 303-463-8200 to know more about our vertical platform lifts.

Here’s Why Elderly with Mobility Issues Should Use a Power Lift Chair

Your first impression after looking at a power lift recliner chair maybe, “Hey, that is just like a La-Z-Boy,” BUT lift recliner chairs offer an abundance of benefits to the elderly or anyone with limited mobility. Whether it is avoiding accidents and injuries, alleviating aches and pains, or helping seniors lead an independent life, lift chairs are the whole package.

Are you still pondering whether to spend all those dollars on a brand-new power lift chair? You can save money without compromising on product quality and performance with our used power lift recliner chairs for sale.

Let’s take a quick look at the benefits of power lift chairs that make them much-needed mobility equipment:

Enhanced Safety

Did you know that the force exerted while standing or sitting can strain joints and bones? The elderly are at a greater risk as their bones are already fragile. By using a power lift recliner chair, they can eliminate the risk of excessive straining their joints and bones.

The chair does the work for them by raising the chair into a near standing position, thereby decreasing the strain on the joints when sitting and standing.

It also minimizes fall risks for people with limited mobility or balance issues that make sitting or standing risky.

Improved Health

When you sit in a power lift recliner chair, a great deal of pressure is relieved from your hips and spine. Your legs are also elevated when in the reclined position, which reduces inflammation and swelling.

If your elderly loved one has arthritis, reclining in the lift chair will allow their joints to decompress while reducing pain and swelling. Our used power lift recliner chairs for sale also come with advanced features like heat and massage options to help alleviate chronic back pain and muscle discomfort

Increased Independence

Power lift chairs give your loved ones with mobility limitations an increased sense of independence, along with improved safety.

It aids them in sitting and standing without needing assistance from someone. The chair’s handset allows the users to change positions. So, they just need to push a button on the remote control to raise the chair to a comfortable position if they want to sit. The chair will also gently raise them to a standing position. It can even be reclined to a comfortable sleeping position when the elderly need to rest.

Relief to Caregivers

If you have not yet invested in a power lift recliner chair, you must ensure a family member or a nursing attendant is always by the side of your elderly loved one to assist them when they need to sit down or stand up.

The lift chair will provide relief to the caregivers as they will not have to actively assist the elderly to change positions or transfer them to the bed from the chair each time they need a nap.

The Bottom Line

You will find variety in terms of sizes and designs. So, finding the perfect chair for your loved one, no matter their weight and height, will not be an issue.

If you have a question about our used electric lift recliner chairs for sale, get in touch with us today. We will assist you in purchasing the most suitable lift chairs for your elderly family member.

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