Vertical Platform Lift V/s Residential Elevator: Which Is Best For You?

When someone’s mobility becomes limited, they often see stairs as the biggest obstacle at home. At that time, they begin to consider their options – should they live on one floor and avoid accessing stairs altogether? Perhaps moving to a one-story home is the only alternative. But fortunately, it isn’t. There are plenty of other solutions that allow people with limited mobility to access all floors and live in their own homes. In this article, we will explore two popular options: vertical platform lifts and residential elevators. We’ll examine the key features and benefits of both, as well as their drawbacks, to help you determine which option is best suited for your specific needs.

Vertical platform lifts

A vertical platform lift, which is also popularly known as a wheelchair platform lift, is specifically designed to facilitate wheelchair users to go from one level to another. Users can easily roll themselves on the platform before ascending or descending. These types of lifts are installed outside of a home or at the porch and move vertically between floors. If the mobility around the house becomes a problem for you or someone beloved, a vertical platform lift may be the right choice for you. The installation only takes a few days, depending on the needed structural modifications to get it fit in.

Residential Elevators

Residential or home elevators are an alternative to vertical platform lifts. These types of lifts can be installed within the existing footprint or by adding a tower to the house. They are fully enclosed – which means there are walls as well as a roof encompassing the elevator. Several homes in Aurora are designed with stacked closets by architects with the intent of home modifications like an elevator in the future. An elevator can be installed in your home, looking as if it was a part of the original home design. Make sure to meet the professional to determine the choice of materials and create a proper plan. The installation of residential elevators may take a few weeks to a month.

When deciding between a vertical platform lift and a residential elevator, cost can be a significant factor. Generally, vertical platform lifts are less expensive than residential elevators. The cost of a vertical platform lift varies depending on the model and the height it needs to cover. In contrast, residential elevators are more expensive due to the additional construction required for installation, such as building a shaft, adding a machine room, and installing a roof and walls. However, the cost of the elevator depends on the size, features, and materials used. It’s important to consider the long-term expenses as well, such as maintenance, repairs, and energy consumption, when making a decision. A professional contractor can help you compare the costs and benefits of each option to determine which is the best fit for your needs and budget.

In conclusion, when it comes to choosing between a vertical platform lift and a residential elevator, there are several factors to consider, such as mobility needs, home design, and budget. Both options provide safe and reliable access to multiple floors, allowing individuals with limited mobility to remain in their homes and maintain their independence. Consulting with a professional installer and evaluating your specific needs can help you make an informed decision on which option is best for you. Regardless of the choice you make, the installation of either a vertical platform lift or a residential elevator can significantly improve the quality of life for those with limited mobility.

Depending on the expected use, space available, timeline, and budget, you can determine whether a vertical platform lift or residential elevator is the best option for you or your loved one. Both options offer accessibility solutions to your home in Aurora.

At Independent Living Solutions, we provide the best stairlifts, wheelchair lifts, and elevators at budget-friendly prices.

Common Misconceptions People Have About Stairlifts

While you may not experience any pain or discomfort when you move up and down the floors in your house, ask your aging loved one struggling with mobility issues or anyone in general who has mobility issues how difficult it is for them to move about in their own house.

Understanding the plight of seniors and those who have mobility issues, Independent Living Solutions, Inc. developed both curved and straight stairlifts. These stairlifts have allowed people to move up and down the floors in their own house without seeking anyone’s help. Seniors feel independent and confident with the help of these stairlifts. In spite of such a huge success of these stairlifts, there are a certain group of people who refrain from having these stairlifts installed in their house.

These are people who believe in the myths associated with the usage of stairlifts on the Internet and online forums. In this blog, we’ll uncover these ludicrous myths and tell you why you should have the best straight Stairlifts in Arvada installed in your house. Let’s get started.

  • The first misconception many people have about stairlifts is that these lifts are only meant to be used by extremely old people. This is obviously not true. Haven’t you seen people injured in road accidents not being able to walk properly even after many years? Aren’t there sports players who injured themselves in such a way that they have trouble walking about? Don’t these people need assistance moving up and down the stairs? They obviously do! Stairlifts are for everyone struggling with mobility issues regardless of what age group they belong to
  • The second misconception is stairlifts can only be installed on certain types of stairs. Again, this is absolutely untrue. There is a stairlift for every type of stairs. There are curved stairlifts and straight stairlifts. Depending on what kind of stairs are there in your house, either of the stairlift types can be selected
  • The third misconception Is the installation of a stairlift will pose problems. You’ll be surprised to know that a straight stairlift can be installed within 2 hours. The machine is put on the stairs, not on the wall, so it is rather easy for the professionals to do the installation. Yes, a curved stairlift can be quite tricky to install but it wouldn’t take more than a day to install it in the majority of the cases

So there you have it. These are the myths people used to believe in but as you can see, these myths have no basis whatsoever. So, whether you need straight or curved stairlifts in Arvada, feel free to get in touch with Independent Living Solutions, Inc. to know more about these lifts and how they can help you or a loved one with their mobility issues.

3 Signs Your Parents Need Stairlift At Home

Watching our parents, grandparents, or loved ones growing old is no less than a challenge. It’s tough to see how they suddenly become dependent upon us for little things – like climbing the stairs. As they get older, their bodies lose strength and sense of balance, increasing the risk of accidental falls. The easiest way to help them move freely around the house is to install a stair chair lift.

If you’re not sure whether stair chair lift installation is a smart decision or not, read below that warning signs that indicate your parents or other loved ones are facing mobility issues.

Fall accidents while climbing up or coming down the stairs

Falling is the most visible sign, which indicates that your parents need assistance while climbing stairs. When they are not steady on their feet, they find it difficult to navigate the stairs. While a fall accident can happen to anyone, more than one incident implies mobility difficulty.

Parents don’t want to leave the house or their room anymore

When you notice that your parents are not as active as they were before, it means something is troubling them. The reason could be a lack of confidence when navigating in-house steps or outside stairs. To help them remain active and independent, without any fear of falling, consider the installation of stair chair lifts at home.

They have mobility concerns or health issues

Knee pain, joint pain, and excessive stiffness are some common reasons that keep seniors from accessing the stairs. Besides, other health problems like back pain and breathing difficulties discourage them from using stairs frequently. To help and support them, you must address their concerns and issues, and seek solutions like installing a stair chair lift.

If you notice any of these signs, wait no more to get stair chair lifts installed in your home. At Independent Living Solutions, we offer the best stair chair lifts in Denver at affordable prices. Get in touch with us today.

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