Have you stopped climbing stairs without someone’s assistance, fearing you might trip or fall? Perhaps you no longer enjoy moving around the house because of dizziness and loss of balance. If so, it is time to make some changes in your living space and age in place safely and independently. We have accessibility/medical equipment and products you must invest in to decrease the chances of tripping, falling, and injuring yourself and make your place safe enough to move about.

Light up the stairs

Most fall accidents happen on stairs due to poor visibility. Since our vision can get worse as we age, installing stairwell lights is advisable to prevent accidents due to shadows and dark spots and improve safety, particularly at night.

Install a stair lift

Walking up and down stairs is not recommended for aging people because the activity puts pressure on their joints. However, it doesn’t mean they are not allowed to access multiple stories of their house. Investing in a stair lift is wise to avoid climbing stairs and access different levels of the home without effort.

Use a walking aid

Walking aids, like canes and walkers, are easy-to-use mobility products for elderly and physically impaired people. With these accessibility or mobility products, they can comfortably move around without fearing falling or asking someone to give them a helping hand while walking.

Use a wheelchair or mobility scooter

Investing in a new or pre-owned wheelchair is an excellent decision for someone who has recently met with an accident and cannot walk without assistance. Depending on your health condition or injury, you can choose from a wide selection of wheelchairs, from manual wheelchairs to power wheelchairs.

Mobility scooters, on the other hand, are like wheelchairs but are considered vehicles. They are designed for people with decreased mobility due to age or illness. Most elderly prefer mobility scooters over manual wheelchairs to run errands, go shopping, get to their appointments, or meet up with friends without hassles.

Install ramps

Installing ramps is necessary if your property has stairs—at the front door or between rooms— and you use a walker, wheelchair, or mobility scooter, to move around your home. Many people with limited mobility install permanent ramps; others prefer collapsible and portable ramps to transform stairs into a ramp quickly.

Add grab bars and handrails

Adding grab bars and handrails in crucial locations, such as toilets and showers, provides stability and maintains the privacy of aging people with mobility issues. The elderly who always fear tripping due to loss of balance can also consider installing grab bars for improved stability at strategic points in bedrooms, hallways, and other areas they access daily.

Install automatic dorm openers

Switching to automatic doors from standard doors or replacing doorknobs with press lever handles is advisable to improve accessibility in your living space. With these products, you don’t have to put strain to reach out for doorknobs, maintain a grip, or apply effort to open the door, which may cause fatigue or injury.

Add a walk-in bathtub

Aging adults with mobility difficulties can gain a sense of independence and reduce the risk of falling by installing a walk-in bathtub in their bathroom. It’s also an incredible decision to upgrade the shower by adding slip-resistant tiles and additional lights for safety in the shower.

A few changes in the house allow you to age in place independently and give your loved one peace of mind. At Independent Living Solutions, you will find the best accessibility/medical equipment at affordable prices. If you are interested in modifying your living space, call us at 303-463-8200 today.

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