While you may not experience any pain or discomfort when you move up and down the floors in your house, ask your aging loved one struggling with mobility issues or anyone in general who has mobility issues how difficult it is for them to move about in their own house.

Understanding the plight of seniors and those who have mobility issues, Independent Living Solutions, Inc. developed both curved and straight stairlifts. These stairlifts have allowed people to move up and down the floors in their own house without seeking anyone’s help. Seniors feel independent and confident with the help of these stairlifts. In spite of such a huge success of these stairlifts, there are a certain group of people who refrain from having these stairlifts installed in their house.

These are people who believe in the myths associated with the usage of stairlifts on the Internet and online forums. In this blog, we’ll uncover these ludicrous myths and tell you why you should have the best straight Stairlifts in Arvada installed in your house. Let’s get started.

  • The first misconception many people have about stairlifts is that these lifts are only meant to be used by extremely old people. This is obviously not true. Haven’t you seen people injured in road accidents not being able to walk properly even after many years? Aren’t there sports players who injured themselves in such a way that they have trouble walking about? Don’t these people need assistance moving up and down the stairs? They obviously do! Stairlifts are for everyone struggling with mobility issues regardless of what age group they belong to
  • The second misconception is stairlifts can only be installed on certain types of stairs. Again, this is absolutely untrue. There is a stairlift for every type of stairs. There are curved stairlifts and straight stairlifts. Depending on what kind of stairs are there in your house, either of the stairlift types can be selected
  • The third misconception Is the installation of a stairlift will pose problems. You’ll be surprised to know that a straight stairlift can be installed within 2 hours. The machine is put on the stairs, not on the wall, so it is rather easy for the professionals to do the installation. Yes, a curved stairlift can be quite tricky to install but it wouldn’t take more than a day to install it in the majority of the cases

So there you have it. These are the myths people used to believe in but as you can see, these myths have no basis whatsoever. So, whether you need straight or curved stairlifts in Arvada, feel free to get in touch with Independent Living Solutions, Inc. to know more about these lifts and how they can help you or a loved one with their mobility issues.

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