How Much Does a Stair Lift Cost in 2023?

How Much Does a Stair Lift Cost in 2023?

Nowadays, stair lifts have become popular in diverse spaces. Since they are equipped with state-of-the-art features that ease mobility concerns, they are among the most sought-after options. Whether you need stair lifts for residential settings or commercial spaces, we at Independent Living Solutions are here to make your selection seamless.

In this blog, we will help you look at stair lifts’ costs, structure, and features. We at Independent Living Solutions help you make an informed decision that enhances accessibility and safety for your loved ones.

What Is a Stair Lift?

A stair lift is a mechanized chair that glides along a rail attached to the stair treads. It offers a practical and affordable solution to improve accessibility in homes with multiple levels, allowing individuals with mobility issues to move between floors comfortably and safely. A stair lift significantly reduces the risk of falls by removing the challenges. It enhances the overall quality of life for users.

  • Significance Of Stair lifts – A stair lift represents a transformative mobility solution, embodying a mechanized chair that smoothly navigates along a securely affixed rail intricately integrated with the stair treads. This ingenious design transcends mere convenience, offering an invaluable and accessible means to bridge the gaps between floors within homes boasting multiple levels. Its ingenious functionality is harnessed as a practical yet remarkably affordable remedy tailored to alleviate the challenges faced by individuals with limited mobility. – By seamlessly removing the daunting obstacle of ascending or descending stairs, a stair lift orchestrates a profound enhancement of accessibility within the household environment. Its purpose extends beyond physical transportation; it encapsulates an empowerment tool that liberates individuals with mobility impairments, granting them the liberty to traverse different floors effortlessly and securely. The mechanism of a stair lift serves as a personalized pathway to independence, fostering self-reliance and fostering a sense of control over one’s surroundings.
  • The Impact Of Stair Lifts In Easing Mobility Challenges – Crucially, the transformative impact of a stair lift extends to mitigating the inherent risks of falls, a prevalent concern for those grappling with mobility challenges. Its reliable and controlled movement substantially curtails the risk of potential accidents, engendering a safer living environment. – Beyond the realm of safety, the broader implications span the realm of quality of life. A stair lift contributes to a heightened quality of life by eradicating the formidable obstacle posed by staircases, enabling users to seamlessly engage with various levels of their homes and partake in daily activities without hindrance.
  • Beyond Mechanical Attributes: Accessibility, Security, and Independence – In essence, a stair lift transcends its mechanical attributes; it becomes an embodiment of empowerment, security, and enriched living. Its role in promoting accessibility, reducing risks, and augmenting the overall well-being of individuals with mobility limitations remains an unmistakable testament to its profound impact on home adaptation solutions. – Over the years, stair lifts have emerged as an effective solution for the elderly and individuals with mobility impairments. As they help provide a safe and convenient way to move between different levels of a home, they are ideal for most settings.

Stair Lifts for Straight vs. Curved Staircases

Staircases come in different shapes and configurations, and stair lifts are designed to accommodate both straight and curved staircases.

  • Straight Stair LiftsStraight stair lifts are usually designed for staircases with a simple, linear layout without any curves or turns. A straight stair lift is a more straightforward installation, and its cost is generally lower than curved options.
  • Curved Stair Lifts – A curved stair lift is required When dealing with staircases with curves, bends, or intermediate landings. The rail for a curved stair lift needs to be custom-made to fit the unique shape of the staircase. This customization leads to a higher cost but ensures a precise fit and safe operation on complex staircases.

How Is the Cost of a Stair Lift Determined?

When determining the cost of a stair lift, you need to focus on a series of options. Generally, you should focus on staircase configuration, specifications, and installation requirements to know more about the pricing of stair lifts.

Here are some of the factors that impact the cost of the stair lift:

  • Staircase Configuration – As mentioned earlier, the complexity of your staircase—whether straight, curved or has intermediate landings—significantly determines the cost.
  • Specifications of the stairlift – Stair lifts include various optional features, such as swivel seats, adjustable footrests, and remote controls. These features can enhance user comfort and convenience but may also add to the overall cost.
  • Ease of installation – The installation process can vary based on your home’s layout. Factors like the need for electrical work can impact the installation cost.

What Is the Average Cost of a Stair Lift?

The cost of a stair lift can vary widely based on the factors mentioned above. To provide a rough estimate, let’s break down the cost ranges for different types of stair lifts:

  • Straight Stair Lift Pricing – For a standard straight stair lift, whether new or used, you can expect a price range of approximately $2,700 to $4,000. The specific model, age, and any additional features will influence where within this range your stair lift falls.
  • Curved Stair Lift Pricing – Due to the custom manufacturing required for the rail to fit your curved staircase precisely, the cost of a curved stair lift is notably higher. Prices generally start around $12,000 and can increase based on location, staircase configuration, and any extra features you choose.

How to Choose a Stair Lift

For best results, you should explore a series of options in choosing one of the best stair lifts. Selecting the right stair lift for your needs involves careful consideration of several factors:

  • Staircase Type – Determine whether your staircase is straight or curved, as this will narrow down your options.
  • User Requirements – Consider the physical needs of the person using the stair lift. The person’s ability to transfer in and out of the stair lift will help determine if additional features are needed to facilitate the transfer process.
  • Safety Features – Look for safety features like seat belts, obstruction sensors, and emergency stop buttons to ensure a secure and worry-free experience.
  • Budget – Set a budget range based on your financial capacity and explore stair lift options that fall within that range.

Installation Costs

Stair lift installation costs can vary depending on the complexity of the installation process. While some installations might be relatively straightforward, others could require additional electrical work. Getting a detailed quote is recommended to understand the total installation cost accurately.

At Independent Living Solutions, our team of professionals assist you in assessing the cost of new and used stair lifts. We make it our priority to offer affordable mobility solutions that make a difference.

Stair lift installation costs are subject to various factors, with the complexity of the installation process being a primary determinant. The intricacies of each home’s layout and staircase design contribute to the cost variation. In instances where the staircase follows a straightforward linear path, the installation process may be relatively uncomplicated, translating to lower installation expenses.

However, the scenario changes when dealing with intricate layouts, curved staircases, or structures requiring intermediate landings. Such configurations often necessitate additional measures to ensure the secure and seamless integration of the stair lift. These factors can significantly impact the installation cost.

To understand the total installation expenses accurately, you should reach out to us and let us help you with diverse tasks or activities. Our team thoroughly evaluates your home’s unique requirements, ensuring that potential challenges are identified and addressed upfront before providing a quote.

By obtaining a detailed quote, you can better prepare for the financial aspects of the installation and ensure that the final cost aligns with your budget expectations.

Ultimately, investing in professional assessment and installation guarantees the safe and effective integration of the stair lift within your home environment.

Additional Features

Stair lifts come with a range of additional features that can enhance comfort and usability:

  • Swivel Seats – A swiveling seat make getting on and off the stair lift at the top landing easier.
  • Remote Controls – Remote controls allow users to call the stair lift to their current location or send it to another level.
  • Adjustable Footrests – An adjustable footrest ensures the user’s feet are comfortable during the ride.
  • Battery Operated – Battery-powered stair lifts ensure continued operation even during power outages. – Each feature adds value to the stair lift experience but can also contribute to the overall cost. Assess the user’s needs and preferences to decide which features are worth the investment.


Investing in a stair lift is an investment in independence, safety, and enhanced quality of life for individuals with limited mobility. By understanding the different types of stair lifts, the factors that influence their cost, and the various features available, you can make an informed decision that suits your needs and budget.

Remember that while the initial cost may seem significant, a stair lift’s benefits and peace of mind are truly priceless.

If you’re considering getting a stair lift in Denver, contact our team and let us assist you with the installation process.


New & Used Stair Lifts | Recycled Stair Lifts, Chair Lifts Denver Colorado (

How Much Does A Stair Lift Cost In 2023? – Forbes Health

How Much Do Stair Lifts Cost? | Retirement Living | 2023

Stair Lifts: 2023 Ultimate Stair Lift Guide | Lifeway Mobility

Choosing between a Stairlift and Home Elevator: a Buyer’s Guide

When it comes to reaching the second or third floor of the home, people with limited mobility generally have two options: a stairlift or a home elevator. Both are designed to help them reach different levels of the home safely and independently.

But the real question is: which is the best? Or which one should you invest in for the best returns? Fortunately, choosing between the two isn’t challenging, provided you know a little about them before the purchase.

This blog talks about the nitty-gritty of each product so you can decide which one to buy for your mobility needs. Let’s dive in:


As the name suggests, a stairlift is a type of lift designed to be installed on the staircase. It helps people with limited mobility move up and down stairs comfortably, safely, and independently. Whether you have a medical condition, weak knees, or other mobility issues, this is the right solution for you.


Cost-effective: a stairlift is the most affordable mobility solution people can choose to improve their mobility at home. That said, the cost and price of the best stairlift may vary depending on the manufacturer and type of lift.

Easy installation: a stairlift can easily be installed on any type of staircases — curved or straight — requiring little to no home remodeling.

Ease of use: the lift comes with a padded seat in which the user sits to move and down the stairs. Plus, operating it is easy; you can take it up and down with just a push of a button.

Safety: stairlifts, be they curved or straight, are designed with the user’s safety in mind. They come with a safety seat belt, obstruction sensors, and key switches to prevent unauthorized use.


The only drawback of a stairlift is that you will need have or possibly add an electrical outlet near the stairs to power the stairlift. This usually requires little modification in the electrical system of the home. Some people may also don’t like having the device on their stairs because of the space it occupies.

Home Elevators

A home elevator is simply an elevator, just like you see in multi-family buildings and commercial properties. This piece of equipment accomplishes the same things as a stairlift: reaching different levels of the home. But it also adds style and enhanced comfort to the user.


Enhanced comfort: with a home elevator, people with limited mobility, including wheelchair users and mobility scooter users, can reach the second or third floor with ease. Just step inside the elevator, press the desired floor button and you are good to go.

Safety: a home elevator is more versatile than a stairlift, due to the fact that it can transport a user and wheelchair/powerchair.

Home value: with the installation of a home elevator, your home value increases since it is an addition that helps everyone, regardless of their mobility, reach different levels of the home.


Installing a home elevator is an expensive undertaking. It’s a home remodel that will require you to work with a contractor, submit plans to the building authorities, and hire an architect, as well as buying a home elevator suited to your space and budget.


Considering that you now have a better understanding of a stairlift and home elevator, you can make the right buying decision and help yourself or a loved one regain their mobility at home.

If you are looking for a home elevator or straight chair lift for sale in Denver, feel free to contact us today.

Tips For Proper Maintenance Of Used Wheelchair Lifts For Stairs

Tips For Proper Maintenance Of Used Wheelchair Lifts For Stairs

Mobility issues can make climbing stairs quite difficult. In cases of severe arthritis, stroke residual effects, or other disabling causes, accessing the upper floors of the house becomes nearly impossible. A lift chair for the disabled can solve this problem and allow you to access every part of your home safely. Stairway lifts, which can go around corners, are available at Independent Living Solutions, so the curved staircases common in historic homes are no problem for us.

When compared to alternatives such as assisted living or new construction, used wheelchair lifts for stairs are one of the most affordable and practical options. However, use causes wear and tear, so regular maintenance is necessary to keep your device in good working order and to extend its lifespan. Follow these guidelines to keep your chairlift in good working order for many years.

Keep It Clean

A crucial aspect of preserving the track’s lifespan is cleaning it. Wipe the track and seat with a duster or damp (not wet) cloth at least once a week. This keeps dust and dirt at bay. Inspect the track to ensure there are no cracks or breaks, and make sure to turn off the device before cleaning it.

To protect the painted coatings, clean the wheelchair lift platform body on a regular basis with mild detergent and completely dry it. This is especially important for lifts installed in saline soil outdoor areas.

Regular Safety Inspections

  • You should inspect your reconditioned wheelchair lift on a regular basis for new noises, loose bolts, and worn threads.
  • Check that the platform is stable at normal travel speed, or calibrate it right away.
  • Check that any cable connectors are both securely fastened and in good condition.
  • Check that all buttons and levers are in good working order.
  • Check the tightness of all mounting bolts and screws. Make any necessary changes.
  • You will not need to lubricate the rail or any other parts because this is done on a service basis by an engineer only when necessary. Attempting to do maintenance on your device yourself by slathering the rail with excessive grease, WD40, or oil can cause complications and bring more harm than good. There is no need for you to do lubrication, simply leave it to us to check on the yearly service. Only a competent engineer who has been professionally educated to maintain your product should do so.

Reconditioned Wheelchair Lifts From Independent Living Solutions

To ensure that the used chairlift you invested in is in good condition, you need to buy from a reliable source. At Independent Living Solutions, we ensure that you are satisfied with your device. For this very reason, we install them in your home or other space plus offer a one-year labor warranty on installation.

We also provide prompt customer support, preventative maintenance & service plans, necessary and no-cost repairs for parts that come under warranty and assistance with any issue you may face.

To place an order with us for used wheelchair lifts for stairs, check out our website.

The Need to Install Wheelchair Ramps in Residential Complexes And Homes!

The Need to Install Wheelchair Ramps in Residential Complexes And Homes!

A wheelchair ramp is an assisting sloping plane placed in addition to or instead of stairs to help wheelchair users navigate a fleet of stairs safely and independently. Since it bears the weight of a wheelchair plus the user, it is made from sturdy material like Aluminium or steel.

Modular wheelchair ramps can prevent major accidents and mishaps to wheelchair users at home or residential complexes while navigating stairs and other raised platforms. It makes sense to prioritize installing it in your residential space to ensure optimal access to your family members with walking difficulties.

Wheelchair-accessible structures are a fundamental and essential requirement that every family should consider if any of their family members suffer from hindered mobility. It will not only consolidate their safety but also produce a less accident-prone environment at your residence.

The good news is that you don’t necessarily have to invest in new accessibility equipment for your home. You can also go for used modular wheelchair ramps for sale—as long as it is in good condition—and make your place wheelchair-friendly.

The blog discusses how many people will you help just by installing wheelchair ramps at your residential dwelling. Read on further to understand how it positively impacts the daily lives of the people who need a boost in their accessibility.

Provide An Easy Passage Inside Or Outside The Residential Space to Various People with Mobility Concerns :

For Elderly People Riding Mobility Scooters – Older people who use a mobility scooter are often prone to falls and mishaps when they have to go to places, such as a supermarket or bank, and also while returning. Sturdy wheelchair ramps allow older adults to safely navigate without having them step down or switch to another mobility assistance. Hence, it eases the challenges an elderly with disability faces.

Societies and housing communities should make regulations to install modular wheelchair ramps to offer a helping hand in moving assistance to ensure they are safe and can transport themselves without any inconvenience or help from others.

People On Wheelchairs – Physically disabled people have restricted locomotor abilities. They require a raised platform to translocate across the stairs smoothly without anyone’s assistance while in a wheelchair. Installing modular wheelchair ramps in residential complexes will help them avoid mishaps and safely move around alone.

Also, children with special needs often have motor complications that prevent them from controlling their body movements. They have to use wheelchairs while transporting. People who accompany children with special needs, such as parents, friends, guardians, etc., also need consolidated safety for these children.

Hence, if you are a guardian of a special child, these modular wheelchair ramps will relax you and give you a break from the constant preoccupation about their safe navigation around your home.

If you want to buy used modular wheelchair ramps from the saleconnecting with Independent Living Solutions, a renowned name for mobility equipment in America, will help with your concern! Reach out to them today for fine-quality and sturdy used wheelchair ramps for your residential complexes!

People Using Strollers, Walkers, and Carts – Parents with strollers, people with walkers, and buyers with shopping carts require a wheelchair ramp to ease their activity to increase the dwelling spaces’ navigability . Such elevated ramps decrease the frequency of accidents while navigating raised platforms or stairs with carts or walkers.

Public facilities like showrooms, malls, and supermarkets already install these modular wheelchair ramps to enable everyone to move around quickly. It’s time residential complexes start investing in these for holistic accessibility to people who face difficulties getting around.


Modular wheelchair ramps can be conveniently installed in your residential spaces without any hassle. Not only are these important for people facing difficulty moving but also for the public in general.

Furthermore, today you can select and buy used modular wheelchair ramps for sale to make moving around safe and easy anytime.

Why You Need to Install Elevators in Your Residence

With recent advancements in technology, we can see just how much technology gives us the opportunity to go way beyond our means. The primary purpose of these advancements in technology is to aid human beings in the pursuit of reaching their true potential. Technological developments in the fields of medicine and treatment have been the most instrumental in changing the world as we know it.

Whether it is providing people with the support they need in everyday life, such as mechanical limbs for amputees, remote-operated wheelchairs, etc., or installing infrastructure in homes for mobility-challenged individuals, technology can make life significantly easier for people who are indisposed. The purpose behind all these developments centers around not just making the elderly and disabled as comfortable as possible but also in providing them with as much autonomy as possible.

How Residential Elevators Can Provide Quality of Life Improvements

The biggest risk that comes with old age is accidentally falling in the shower or on the stairs. After a certain age, it is difficult to bounce back up after a fall, and the fall itself can sometimes lead to disastrous consequences.

When it comes to elders living in two or more storied houses, it is only natural to be worried about them and try to ease their access to all the parts of the house as much as possible. Installing residential elevators in homes with disabled and elderly people can be a complete game-changer for them as it mitigates a lot of the risk that comes with going up and down staircases.

These residential lifts can easily accommodate wheelchairs. Adding a lift to your residence also means that you can easily carry heavy equipment or furniture to the upper stories of the house without any worries. Installing an elevator in your home can also significantly increase the value of your property on the real estate market.

Independent Living Solutions 

If you are wondering what is residential elevator installation cost or where you can find a service to install elevators in your home, you should consider checking out the Independent Living Solutions website for any details that you might need.

For any and all mobility equipment, Independent Living Solutions should be your go-to. This Colorado-based company can take care of all of your mobility equipment needs, right from the sale, installation, repairs, maintenance and upgrades.

You can reach out to them through their website to enquire about residential elevator installation costs.

Independent Living Solutions, a company based out of Wheatridge, Colorado, has made providing mobility and unrestricted accessibility to their clients their ultimate goal. They have over 20 years of combined experience when it comes to dealing with equipment, installation, service, and sales. Independent Living Solutions caters to your every need, from new or recycled stairlifts, wheelchair or vertical lifts, home elevators, ramps, automatic door openers, ceiling lifts, walk-in tubs, and dumb waiters.

Few Reasons to Invest in a Power Lift Recliner Chairs

A comfortable chair is essential for every living space. The Power Lift recliner is ideal for individuals who crave comfort and relaxation. Every house needs a recliner since it instantly improves the aesthetics, convenience, and comfort of any room in which it is placed. Its distinctive reclining function helps anyone who needs assistance getting up or sitting. The recliner’s seamless, ultra-quiet motor control raises the whole chair to let you rise up without moving a finger. A power lift recliner chair has many other benefits at home. You can easily get a power lift recliner chair for sale.

Luxury at its best!

Be it entertaining guests, enjoying your favorite show, or indulging in a hobby, the lift recliner is the ideal furniture for all of these activities. You can easily get a power lift recliner chair online that can be adjusted into various positions, allowing for optimal comfort. They can be fully upright, totally reclined, or anything in between. With adjustable back and footrests for added comfort, your back has support as your footrest rises to provide the ideal amount of relaxation. Power lift recliner chairs assist the user in sitting and standing.

Decreases chances of injury:

Recliners are incredibly helpful for elderly people who sometimes struggle to balance their feet. With the remote option, they have complete control over the reclining and seating positions. They can enjoy the added support during the rise or drop until they’re secure on their feet. This decreases the possibility of harm from unbalance. It also decreases the danger of injury to anybody who may be assisting them in sitting or standing and the risk of muscular strain in general. Power lift recliner chairs can many a time be found for sale, so keep looking.

More Freedom, less stress:

Power lift recliner chairs provide an entirely new degree of freedom. A person may have trouble sitting or standing by themselves for a variety of reasons, including age or medical issues. The power chair’s assistance and features make it significantly simpler for them to maneuver in and out of it without assistance. This can assist the elderly and people with mobility problems to maintain some liberty, thereby lowering the likelihood of the emotional distress and depression that are frequently accompanied by such circumstances. Get a power lift recliner chair online to enjoy freedom in the true sense.

Take a quick nap

Get a power lift recliner chair online, and you will have a perfect place to rest. Take an afternoon nap in your snug and comfortable reclining chair. While you relax in a completely horizontal posture, their capacity to attain a Zero Gravity position aids in straightening the spine, enhances your capacity to breathe, and increases blood flow. As a result, lift chairs are frequently advised for those with lung ailments, back difficulties, and other health issues.

Discover cutting-edge engineering combined with supreme luxury! Don’t hesitate to try before investing in any power lift recliner chair. Make sure the brand is reliable and has expertise in the industry.

Regain Freedom Over Mobility & Live independently with An Efficient Mobility Scooter in Denver.

Immobility can be heartbreaking. It reminds you repetitively about the lack of movement in your life. A wheelchair is a boon; you still can’t get enough from it since it is hand-operated.

Therefore, you need faster mobility equipment that tends to your daily needs for visits to nearby stores or meeting a relative.

A mobility scooter may be the right answer to your questions!

A mobility scooter in Denver is a power-operated vehicle that allows you to move and travel to nearby areas without relying on anyone. Therefore, it decreases your dependency on others for daily grocery or social interaction in the neighborhood.

A mobility scooter in Denver assists your traveling by saving time since it is faster than a manual wheelchair. Since it has many features such as long-lasting batteries, adjustable seats, LED battery indicator, front storage basket, and speed control dial.

All these features make a mobility scooter in Denver a perfect traveling partner for people with mobility issues. With a mobility scooter, you eliminate the need to request people to take you to nearby stores and relatives. Now, sit comfortably on your mobility scooter in Denver and drive yourself wherever you want, independently.

A mobility scooter is unbiased whether your immobility issues are congenital, age-related, or accidental. Not only can people with special needs use it, but older adults with feeble muscular control can take great advantage of it because its structure is designed to provide maximum comfort while traveling.

Furthermore, a mobility scooter in Denver comes in many versions, such as heavy-duty, portable, multiple-wheeled, and full-size, to address the rider’s specific needs. So, now you can select what comforts you the best and bothers you the least.

Worry not if you are wondering how to get a mobility scooter in Denver in Co. Some reliable names deal in high-quality, powered, and efficient mobility scooters that provide online services for product purchase right from the comfort of your home. Considering your immobility difficulties, purchasing a mobility scooter in Denver is a convenient option.

With an efficient mobility scooter in Denver, you are relieved of all the traveling issues and dependency on others.

Ride wherever you want, whenever you need!

Independent Living Solutions & Mobility Scooter in Denver

We are experts in providing mobility solutions to people with special needs. Our products range from stair lifts, vertical lifts, wheelchairs, elevators, ramps, and other mobility solutions that transform the lives of people with special needs.

You can rely on our state-of-the-art solutions if you wish to make your house well-equipped with mobility solutions. If you have a loved one with specialized needs, our mobility-enhancing products can assure the utmost safety and independency to your relatives.

Contact us today to gift yourself or your loved one the best present you ever imagined.

The Guide to Used Recliner Lift Chairs for Seniors

As your loved one gets older, the power recliner lift chairs for seniors available online can be a lifesaver. Still, as with any aid or device, safety should always come first when deciding whether or not to have one in the house. Used recliner lift chairs offer the convenience of motorized mobility aid and a recliner’s comfort, making them an excellent option for older people who still want to maintain independence. These chairs facilitate transfers for people who find it difficult to stand up from a seated position due to the following:

  • Balance problems
  • Arthritis
  • Stiffness and discomfort in their hips, knees, and legs
  • Back stiffness and pain
  • Muscle tremor
  • Low energy and breathing difficulty
  • Neurological conditions that restrict motion
  • Postoperative recuperation

These recliner lift chairs for seniors available online is very useful for people who need to lift their legs due to poor circulation because they also recline. Here’s how to use them:

Using a Lift Chair in Your Home

Most recliner lift chairs used today have a wall plug but also a backup power source that kicks in when the power goes out. Many people with mobility issues rely on their lift chair to stand because they cannot do so alone. They are never without this priceless resource, thanks to the battery backup.

Depending on the model of the used recliner lift chair and its alternatives, this remote control regularly has only two buttons. Lift chairs use it to lift the seat and operate the leg and backrest. Typically, one button lowers the chair’s base, and another lowers the backrest and raises the footrest after the chair has been lowered. The up button will elevate the back and leg rests when you’re prepared to stand. The chair’s base will rise once they are both shut.

As a safety measure, the recliner lift chairs for seniors available online cannot be raised without the backrest being raised and the footrest being closed first. This tends to make it extremely simple to function with just one hand. Lift chairs can be an excellent way to guarantee that you or someone you care about never needs help standing up.

Maintaining a Power Lift Chair

Keep in mind that lift chairs have a motor-driven lifting system in the base, and a power recliner lift chair (used) has an electronic control system for the backrest and footrest. They require particular care. Here’s how:

  • Dust accumulation is terrible, so the motor, hand control, and cord should be vacuumed or cleaned with a wet cloth every month.
  • For simple access to the motor, position your chair upright. Call your seller or the chair manufacturer immediately if you see any fraying on your hand control cord. Uncovered wires could cause a chair to malfunction or worse.
  • Use a three-prong plug to connect your lift chair to an authorized, electrically grounded outlet.
  • To reduce safety and performance issues, plug your lift chair directly into the outlet rather than an extension cord.

The Bottom Line

Power recliner lift chairs for seniors available online at Independent Living Solutions are the perfect solution for anyone with mobility problems who finds it difficult to get in and out of a chair.

Benefits Of Finding A Used Lift Chair For Sale

There is a lot of hype about new lifts. However, many people believe in the old saying, “use it up, wear it out and then buy new.” Based on this old saying, many people look up “used lift chair for sale near me.” So before you make this critical decision, here are some reasons why you should consider buying one:

Save Money

If you’re the one searching “find used lift chair for sale near me” online, the first thing to consider is how much it will cost. With new chairs, there are two main costs associated with buying one: the initial purchase price and maintenance costs. The former is determined by how much your insurance policy covers and whether or not there are any other expenses involved (like taxes).

Suppose you’re considering buying refurbished lift chairs instead of brand-new ones. In that case, they are less expensive than new equipment and are an economical option if on a budget.

Another option would be buying secondhand lifts at yard sales or online auctions; these can often work out even cheaper than getting them new. However, the condition of these units might be questionable or unknown.

Reusing equipment means you contribute to the welfare of the environment

You can use it before you get new lift chairs or even after they break down! Many people who search for a used lift chair for sale near me should know that this is a great way to help out your community by recycling used items that would otherwise end up in a landfill.

In addition to giving back to your local community and helping them with their waste disposal problems, there are many other benefits of reusing equipment!

You can use it before you get new lift chairs

You can use your lift chair before you buy new ones. A used lift chair will allow you to test it out and ensure it’s comfortable and works well, even if they need repairs or maintenance. This is especially important if this is the first time using a particular device, such as an armchair or recliner.

Because these devices are so expensive, it is always worth checking them out beforehand so that when you get one in working order, once its purchase has been finalized, everything will be perfect immediately!

Try it for pain management

It’s essential to try a lift chair before you buy it. You can get a trial period of at least 30 days, allowing you to try out the product and see if it works for your needs. If the lift chair doesn’t work well, this could indicate that it may not be the right choice for you, so keep looking around until something better comes along!

If possible, consider getting one with back pain relief features such as massage or heat therapy options built into its design, as well as footrests—these will help keep any aches away from your lower back area when sitting down in one place for too long at once (like during office hours).

Generally, they are as good as new if you buy from a reputed dealer

Generally, lift chairs are refurbished and tested before being sold. They will be as good as new if you buy from a reputable dealer. You can ask for a warranty on the lift chair, and if it’s not too big of an issue, you can also ask about delivery and installation options.


Used lift chairs for sale can be a great way to save money and reduce waste. They are also generally safe and durable, which makes them ideal for rehabilitation. Buying your chair from a reputable dealer will be just as good or better than new! Also, we hope that this concludes your search for a used lift chair for sale near me.

4 Ways to Make a Home Disability Friendly

A reduced range of motion is one of our main problems as we age. It’s also tricky for those who have a disability that limits mobility. Even in places familiar to us, like our homes, disabilities might alter how we function in day-to-day life.

When new infirmities affect our life, the home can quickly become a problematic place full of obstacles. It may be difficult to adjust when objects like stairs, bathrooms, and doorknobs suddenly become a liability.

Fortunately, there are several ways to maintain normalcy in your home life. Modernizing your home can promote security, comfort, and independent living.

Here are four ways to make a house handicap accessible for you or your loved ones:

Install Stair Lifts

Consider installing a stair lift if you or a loved one find climbing stairs challenging. Stair lifts come in many designs and can be used as a portable stair climber or installed permanently as a home improvement.

Multi-level homes, even those with front yard stairs, can become accessible homes for people with restricted mobility thanks to stair lifts. Installing them lets you level out your house and make an area safe and easy to access. Independent Living’s used curved stairlifts are the perfect addition to a winding flight of stairs.

Fix Ramps

For people using walkers, wheelchairs, power chairs, and other mobility aids, even the slightest elevation is hard to conquer. To ease pressure on their limbs, a simple ramp to convey them safely on small elevations is an excellent alternative.

There are many different ramp designs available to suit any requirements. For example, foldable ramps are simple to store, portable ramps allow you to quickly turn any step into a wheelchair-accessible entryway while on the go, and threshold ramps instantly make an entryway accessible.

Add an Elevator

For larger spaces and faster access to floors, elevators can be an excellent choice for people with limited mobility. They can be secure, trustworthy, and look classy too. Either add them during construction or incorporate them into current structures.

Even though you might believe that installing an elevator is prohibitively expensive, adding an elevator increases the value of your house—often significantly more than the installation cost. What’s more, your investment will open access to your house to everyone.

Retrofit Bathroom with Handicap Friendly Features

The bathroom can be complex for many people. For people prone to falls, bath areas and countertops are not forgiving surfaces. The slippery tiles can be dangerous when wet and soapy.

The tub can be challenging because it has a problematic physical barrier to access due to its tall sides. Fortunately, step-in tubs remove that obstruction, enabling people to enter the tub directly without straddling the side. Consider adding a slip-resistant surface to the inside of your tub and making it easier to enter.

The alternatives for making your home handicap accessible for people with impairments can seem overwhelming. But, with Independent Living, our experts are always available to advise you on the best home accessibility options for you and your loved ones. We are committed to assisting you in identifying the best solutions for your requirements. For those on a tight budget, we even have high-quality used products, like curved stairlifts, available at an affordable price.

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