Stair lifts are a great mechanical device to install in your house to help people with mobility issues move up and down the stairs. However, for many homes, these devices are not the ideal option. For some homes, vertical platform lifts (VPL) are a more essential addition. Also known as wheelchair lifts, vertical platform lifts are perfect for providing easy access to all levels of homes or businesses for those who use power chairs, wheelchairs, or mobility scooters. Raised decks, stairs leading to a porch, or other similar setups make it difficult for disabled people to access spaces. In this blog, we will tell you about different types of vertical platform lifts and why you should consider installing one in your house. Let’s get started.

Types of VPLs

Unenclosed VPLs – These are some of the most commonly used lifts. You will easily find them online.

Hoistway or Enclosed – These types of lifts are generally used in commercial areas. These are a lot like unenclosed VPLs but the chief difference is, they are positioned in a polycarbonate enclosure or a wood framed hoistway constructed by a contractor. If you want the setup to look amazing, a polycarbonate enclosure is very desirable.

Portable VPLs – You can get a moveable platform as well. Platforms are moveable because the enclosed, portable VPL is mounted on a bigger base that contains 4 adjustable rollers.

Reasons To Invest In VPL

No Noise – Although there are many VPLs in the market, we will advise you to go for top-quality ones from reputable brands. Why? Top VPLs do not make virtually no noise. You’ll be able to go from one level to another quietly.

Affordable – Some homeowners assume that VPLs are an expensive mechanical device. This is not true at all if you buy them from top websites. There are some great websites such as Independent Living Solutions Inc that offer amazing VPLs at great prices.

Totally Safe To Use – You do not need to worry about injuring yourself while using these lifts. VPLs are full of safety features such as safety under pan, battery backup, emergency lowering device, and much more.

If interested, you can contact Independent Living Solutions Inc for buying good-quality vertical platform lifts. We offer both new and used vertical platform lifts for sale. If interested, give us a call at 303-463-8200 to know more about our vertical platform lifts.

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