As most seniors prefer to age in place, home modifications are vital after a certain age to prevent potential injury risks or if they develop health conditions, like arthritis, affecting mobility. When stairs at home become a challenge to navigate, home modifications play a pivotal role in ensuring elderly safety.

If you are considering home modifications for mobility assistance, consider the installation of stair lifts or home elevators for the elderly. Both ensure safety and ease of access – whether you have to go to the bedroom upstairs or the basement laundry room. BUT a question arises, which one will be the better choice for you?

The answer will depend on an array of factors. We have covered all that you need to know about both options to help you make an informed choice.

Stair Lifts

A motorized chair mounted on the staircase’s treads is a stairlift.

If you want an affordable and quick solution to access the basement or upper levels of your home, a stair lift is a good choice. Whether you have a straight staircase or a curved one, installing a stair lift will not be a hassle. It is suitable for both outdoor and indoor settings.

If your home doesn’t have the needed floor space than an elevator requires, a stair lift will be a better choice.

Stair lifts may not be the safest option for powerchair or wheelchair users. To use the mobility equipment, you are required to get up from your chair, occupy the motorized chair and get back to your chair when you reach the desired floor. You will need assistance each time you use the stair lift to ensure one hundred percent safety.

Home elevators for elderly are the best mobility equipment solutions for wheelchair users – it ensures better safety and allows them to live independently.

Home Elevators

While home elevators are relatively expensive, they offer many benefits, making them a worthy investment for adults looking for solutions to access each floor of the home.

The ability to navigate different levels of your home with a button’s push is definitely appealing and hassle-free. Installing a home elevator for seniors also boosts your home’s value. When installing a home elevator, you can choose the cab color and design that match your home’s décor and a swing door that resembles your other doors.

An obstacle with home elevators is that they require elaborate planning and work. While a straight stair lift installation requires the knowledge of the total number of stair treads and the width measurements of the staircase, taking anything between a few hours to a day to install, a home elevator will need a few weeks to a month to become functional.

Quick Recap

A stair lift for seniors is a great solution when:

  • You require an affordable solution for limited mobility
  • You want a quick turnaround time
  • You don’t want the hassle of construction or major remodeling

A home elevator for seniors is a great solution when:

  • Your loved one uses a wheelchair/powerchair
  • You have safety and convenience in mind
  • You want to improve your home’s resale value

If you need assistance in selecting the right stair lift or home elevator, get in touch with us.

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